So like I said I, you can now 'like' my website on facebook and since going public with my work I've been receiving a bit of feedback on my progress for this project. Because I'd rather work on another assignment now I'm just going to archive this piece of feedback and its links. The light green font is me, the dark blue font is my friend giving me the feedback tl;dr (to long, didn't read), the converstation is just some feedback in regards to the logo and how I could improve it. It raises some valid points.
please change the logo 
it's painfully bad
why do you hate it?
the d-pad on the gameboy IS ON THE WRONG SIDE
and it looks like it was done in paint
what do you think of some of the others I designed?
first of all
your reasoning behind the design of the logo on the side is...really wrong
actually it's not wrong
because it's subjective
but from a design perspective, the points you've made arent terribly valid
the point about 'not drawing it with too much detail'
thats...half true
sometimes less is more
but what you've done
is incredibly basic and really unprofessional
just because it's not detailed doesnt mean it can't have straight lines
well the content you're posting on the wall seems good
it's just the logo really
call me fussy about it if you will, but i bet a lot of people will see that logo first and it sets a lot of impressions in minds
yeah and thats a good point
and you'd have an eye for design becasue of what you are doing
yeah it's not rocket science, just clean tidy graphic design
download your favourite video game font
and just type 'Video James' with it into a photoshop file for your logo
there's heaps to choose from so find a recognisable one you like
just a few ideas
use the link at the bottom to just steal their vector linework
I'll make a quick note now
haha alright cool
sorry i sound like an ass
but maybe better me than the uni lecturer
No its fair enough. The lecturer thought it was cute but I could always push myself further with these things
and that Font website you sent me has some great Batman styled font so I'll be able to use that this weekend when I prepare for the Batman Arkham City release.
yeah that website rules
if anything that will be useful for you in a lot of ways
What I am listening to now: