For example this is what it looks like in Chrome (the free Internet browser by google):
This is what it looked like in Safari:
So yeah as I'm developing the website I should keep it in mind on how it looks across all Internet Browsers. I'll have to check for consistency between the big 5 (as below not ranked in any order).
Internet Browsers I need to check for Consistency with:
1) Internet Explorer (Which still holds a 30% of user share on the market despite it been so bad)
2) Firefox
3) Google Chrome (my explorer of choice. Don't use it if you don't like to have your details copied down by big companys and have target advertising directed at you. Arguably the fastest out of this list).
4) Safari (owned by Apple, its not considered a tier 1 Internet browser but still used due to it been pre-installed on all iOS computers (the top tiers are Nightly, Chrome and Dragon).
5) Opera - (An abomination of a web browser on normal computers, Opera is however a top tier browser on portable internet devices such as Smart Phones, Tablets etc. There is even a build for this for the Nintendo DS).
Saying I'll test my website in those 5 browsers before I think about handing it in is all fine and mighty but it doesn't solve the actual problem. Which is as simple as putting an invisible table around those objects. Safari will automatically assume its a table and not change the order it displays those items. I'll test out my theory later on tonight when I'm not on a laptop that's currently 55 degrees and can only handle hard use on facebook.