I installed a few programs (such as an extension for Google Chrome that allows me to block access to websites from the computer I'm signed into via Google Chrome) and un-installed a few Facebook application programs such as the Facebook client for my iPhone, Android Phone and Tablet. As I'm currently writing, the only device I have with access to Facebook is my Xbox 360.
Anyway, I checked my email a few days ago and behold there was a private message notification from Facebook that had found its way to my junk folder from the President of SMASH! (Australias BEST Anime convention. Supanova and Armageddon are not Anime conventions, they are Pop Culture conventions. Animania isn't even about the Anime any more and need to get there crap together). Anyway, there are some people you just don't ignore (like the depressing people from high school asking you for tech support for half an hour at a re-union party and then trying to make a move on you once they realise all the other good looking guys at the party have paired off with girls) and president of SMASH! is one of them. Such a commanding figure, so suave and one of those few people that can pull off the whole 'I'mKingShitWalk' at his own con and then rock up to another con and help out, like a next door neighbour helping you fix your car. A really cool guy.
I wish NUAC would be as organised as all of the Sydney Anime clubs are. As I'm travelling to Perth this week I will not be able to attend O Week at my University. Which isn't a bad thing as I want to stay off the radar this semester. I'll get my sister to handle me membership renewal with Anime club as a sign of support. Pissing off a girl in a Anime club is never a good idea when she is solid friends with four of the executive. Nuac is a dying club which I genuinely want to help but I won't do it if I'm unwelcome as that will create more tension and poison a creative environment. Hence why its best to hang low for awhile. I'll observe Curtin University's anime club and take ideas from them.
This should all really go on my personal blog but I'm cheating on her for you at the moment Dev blog. Cause I'm such a whore like that.