Windows 8 is out today. But as some (all two of my main readers) will know, I've been mucking around with Windows 8 Pro on my Craptop for the last month thanks to my University's Free Software agreement with Microsoft. Until now MS hasn't been able to give me a clear reading on what performance rating Windows 8 OS has with my Craptops hardware. Keep in mind the Craptop is a
Del Inspiron 1525 that was released back in 2008 and discontinued a year later, I found on the side of the road now with upgraded RAM (2gb) and HD (142gb).
Not bad, not bad at all. |
Restoring this laptop has been a great hands-on project for me and has taught me a lot about computer hardware and operating systems in general. I've ran Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Gentoo (only cause of /g/) and it now runs Windows 8 Pro 32 Bit. Until a few weeks ago for example I didn't even know what a
Express Card was until I popped out the Express Card port on the Craptop. $15 and 15 minutes later on Ebay the Express Card port is now 3 more USB ports (bringing the total to seven) thanks to a
Laptop 54mm Express Card ExpressCard to 3 Port USB 3.0 Adapter.
Not that installing a Express Card Adapter is hard (it was just plug in, install drivers, reboot and go) but now I have two devices with USB 3.0 which I can use to justify my 2 USB 3.0 external hard drives and my one 8G 3.0 Usb thumb drive.
Note: The USB ports with the fans in them are the original USB 2.0 ports that came with the laptop. The USB drive and the mouse that are plugged in on the right bottom are the new USB 3.0 ports. |
It was so hot yesterday I went and plugged 4 usb powered fans into the Craptop. It was able to keep this up for 20 minutes before I needed to add external power.