Monday, September 10, 2012

Connecting Windows 8 to the University of Newcastle Network

[Note: Usually I tell people to go learn to breath with their nose when they email me and ask for questions on how I do stuff. This is not one of those times. Please don't hesitate to email me at or skype me on 'Jericho.Talk' regarding anything in this guide.]

Version 1.0
Written by Jericho

Shoutout go to my homeboy from the AIC Nick.
K, this is pretty much the same deal as Window 7 except more retarded. Yes. You read it here, much more retarded but that's just half the charm of the Windows 8 user interface. No Start bar remember. As somebody that's used the Start bar since he was 9 to boot games from a floppy disk, there is a learning curve. After 48 hours with Windows 8 I'm feeling comfy without it like a little kid riding a bike without training wheels and if anything, you should embrace the simplification it provides. Whats interesting is that I didn't need to configure Chromes/Internet Explorers Proxy settings to the University Proxy. My copy of Windows 8 is installed over Windows 7 on my craptop (which was originally built to run Windows Vista but the owner didn't supply me with the hard drive when I found it on the side of the road) and myself and Nick from the AIC expected it to carry over the proxy settings from the previous Windows Installation.

See above picture for what I'm talking about. No evidence of Proxy settings needed.

Step 1: Plug a pair of headphones into the audio jack of your computer. Chances you are on campus when doing this and within range of some obnoxious loud drop kick. Looking at you, guy wearing the yellow with green stripes Addias shirt and glasses over your head in the flowers room. Proceed to listen to music.
Decent pairs of headphones can be purchased from the Shortland Newsagent for $15.

Step 2: Familiarize yourself with Windows 8 OS. If you already have, skip this step. Also grab a copy of the Windows 7 Connection guide from the rovers desk as you will get tired of reading my shit after a while and should be able to pick this up on your own.

Dam I better change my background for this presentation just to make stuff easier. 

 Olivia Wilde is sex icon for technology. I challenge you to find a creature more majestic and beautiful yet can act derpy in a cute way.  

Step 3: Alright enough fapping about, go to the right bottom bar and click the little Internet Connectivity Icon. Something like this should appear on your screen with a list of possible networks you can choose from.
Step 4:  Select '' network.
Step 5: Right click 'properties'  and you should have some shit that looks like this. Click 'view connection properties'.
Step 6: Next you will have a screen that looks like this: 
Step 7: Click the 'Security' tab

 Step 8: Remove the tick from the 'Validate Server Certificate' option and then click 'Configure' button under the 'select Authentication Method' .

 Step 9: You want to REMOVE the tick from this box (Automatically use my Windows Logon name and password' . And then click 'OK'. Screen should look like the second one below.
 Step 11: On the ' wireless properties' window, click on 'advanced settings' button. Seen here in red.
 Step 12: On the 'Advanced Settings' tab under 'Specify Authentication Mode' select 'user Authentication then click on the 'OK' button.

Then click the 'OK button to close the wireless properties window.
For some reason Windows 8 wouldn't let me take a screen cap, so I just took a photo with my phone. My resources were limited when I wrote this guide while at the flowers room.

Step 13: Try connecting again to the '' network.

 Step 14: If you have followed my guide correctly you should have a window pop up like this. If not right away, give it a few minutes. For some magical reason Windows 8 will bypass the proxy settings and magically prompt you to log in. Enter your student Number and password. If you don't know either, I suggest reconsidering your degree here at UoN.

Step 15: You are now free to look at Facebook or fap to porn if your that fat guy at the City Hub. We all know you do it. Sitting there in the corner against the wall so nobody can see you on Red Tube. Gross.

Step 16: If you are female, 20 -25, enjoy long walks along the beach and Alien movie Marathons, please add me on Facebook.