Fun things about Domain Registration:
In order to obtain a website, one needs the following:
A Registrant ID, would usually be an ABN, ACN or Business Registration Number.
A Eligibility ID, would basically be a company name or something relating to yourself (Eg, name, etc.)
Hence in my case mine would be:
Elgiibility ID = VideoJames
Registrant ID = To own a '' domain or any domain with .au involved you need to register for a minium of two years and hold a ABN, ACN or Business Registration Number.
The Australian Government has since denied my application for a ABN.
I'm going to take a stab and say that the University will not help me out when applying for ABN for this.
HOWEVER, not all is lost.
I've decided to explore the idea of registering a '.net' domain.
'.net' domains are usually cheaper, though reserved for the Networking Industry and could be considered one of the dinosaurs from the 'Internet 1.0 era' (we are currently in the Internet 2.0 era, google it).
Gah, Brb, caffine.
Fun fact: the domain '' is on sale for $990.
What I am listening to now: