Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Will it work with Windows 8: Starcraft?

I still don't know how to Zerg Rush
A few weeks ago I tried to use a old firewall with my consumer copy of Windows 8 with not much success. The entire episode and I seem to be the only one using Windows 8 heavily at the moment in my part of the world has inspired me to add a new part to my blog called 'Will it work with Windows 8?' in which I test programs to see if they...wait for it...work with Windows 8. I have some really old obsolete programs that you have probably never heard of lined up. All part of making sure my blog stays boring.

Starcraft is a game that brings back a lot of memories for any 90's gamer. Originally built for Windows 98, Starcraft was released well over a decade ago and since then has sold 11 Million copies. Sadly I was never able to get my copy working with Windows 7 (google search 'Windows 7 Starcraft', I wasn't the only one and a lot of other people had a problem with the compatibility betwen Windows 7 and such a old video game) . I gave up on the concept of getting it to work with Win 7 because I could just play the game on my Nintendo 64 and none of my friends really play it anyway.

I'm happy to say that Starcraft does work with Windows 8, including all of its smooth sound(imo, Starcraft has one of the best soundtracks of all time). Why I'm really excited about this though is the idea of having Starcraft on a Windows 8 tablet. All good RTS games need a mouse and keyboard to control, though it would be interesting seeing how the game could handle over a touch screen.

Verdict: Yes, Starcraft does work with Windows 8